The Sh’Zen Cell-U-Lite Sculpting Cup mimics the ‘palpate and roll’ French massage which allows to get rid of cellulite on the stomach, buttocks, thighs, calves, arms, etc. Use this sculpting cup with a massage oil to deliver micro lipo-massage to cellulite problem spots. Rest the cup against your skin, then squeeze and release it, and pull it upwards over congested areas in quick, short motions. It improves the elasticity and firmness of skin, plus encourages deep lymphatic drainage to rid the body of cellulite-causing toxins.
With every use, it delivers a focussed form of micro lipo-massage and encourages:
Use after a shower when skin is still warm.
Apply a light layer of the Sh’Zen Deep Tissue Anti-Cellulite Concentrate or Cellulite Contour Gel on your skin. Place the Cell-U-Lite Vacuum Therapy on your skin and squeeze the cup to create a vacuum. Release to open and vacuum skin. Pull the cup slowly upwards towards the inguinal lymph glands (in the groin area) to promote lymph drainage.
Apply twice weekly as a massage therapy – at home.
Improved elasticity and firmness of skin.